Jo Hampson-Gilbert Jo Hampson-Gilbert

Take care of yourself this winter…

Taking care of yourself during the winter is essential for both your mental and physical well-being. Here’s a therapist’s guide to maintaining balance during the colder, darker months:

1. Prioritize Self-Care Routines

• Stick to routines: Winter often disrupts normal schedules due to shorter days and weather changes. Keep regular sleep, eating, and exercise habits to maintain stability.

• Nurture your body: Pamper yourself with warm baths, skin moisturization, and nutritious meals. These are small acts of self-compassion.

2. Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

• Increase natural light: Exposure to daylight is key to regulating mood. Take walks during daylight hours or sit by windows to absorb natural light.

• Use light therapy: If sunlight is scarce, consider a light therapy box to improve mood and combat feelings of sadness or lethargy.

• Stay active: Exercise can boost serotonin and dopamine, helping manage winter blues.

3. Stay Connected with Others

• Combat isolation: The cold and dark months can lead to social withdrawal, which can worsen feelings of loneliness. Schedule regular calls, meet-ups, or virtual hangouts with friends and family.

• Seek support: If you’re struggling emotionally, reach out to a therapist or a support group. Staying connected to others promotes emotional resilience.

4. Embrace Hygge (Cozy Comfort)

• Create a cozy space: Hygge, the Danish concept of comfort, can help combat the winter blues. Surround yourself with warm blankets, candles, hot drinks, and calming activities like reading or knitting.

• Practice mindfulness: Slow down and focus on enjoying small, cozy moments. Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation or gratitude journaling to help you stay grounded.

5. Keep Moving

• Outdoor activities: Embrace winter activities like walking, hiking, or ice skating. Physical activity in the cold can invigorate your body and improve your mood.

• Indoor exercises: If the weather doesn’t allow outdoor activity, try yoga, dance, or home workouts to stay physically active and reduce stress.

6. Boost Your Immune System

• Eat nourishing foods: Warm, nutrient-rich foods like soups, stews, and herbal teas can support your immune system. Focus on incorporating fruits, vegetables, and foods high in vitamin C and zinc.

• Stay hydrated: Cold air can dehydrate you without realizing it. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to stay hydrated and support your body’s defenses.

• Sleep well: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Quality sleep enhances mood and helps maintain a strong immune system.

7. Set Realistic Expectations

• Be kind to yourself: Winter can bring extra challenges like low energy or holiday stress. Adjust your expectations, allowing yourself to rest when needed. Focus on progress over perfection.

• Practice self-compassion: If you’re feeling down, remind yourself that it’s okay to have difficult days. Take it one step at a

8. Consider Hypnotherapy for Winter Wellness

• Stress reduction: Hypnotherapy can help you manage winter stress, reduce anxiety, and alleviate symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Through guided relaxation, hypnotherapy enables you to access a calm mental state, which can help regulate your emotions during challenging winter months.

• Improving sleep: If winter disrupts your sleep patterns, hypnotherapy can guide you into deep relaxation, promoting better sleep and improving overall mental and physical well-being.

• Boosting motivation: Hypnotherapy may help increase motivation to stay active and maintain healthy habits during the colder months, reinforcing positive behavioral changes.

If you’d like to explore hypnotherapy as a tool for self-care this winter, feel free to contact me for further guidance and personalised sessions. Hypnotherapy can offer a holistic approach to managing winter challenges and improving overall wellness.

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Jo Hampson-Gilbert Jo Hampson-Gilbert

The Importance of taking a Holiday…

The Importance of Taking a Holiday for Well-Being

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, taking time off can often seem like a luxury we cannot afford. However, holidays are not just a break from routine; they are essential for our overall well-being. As a solution-focused therapist, I see firsthand the positive impact that stepping away from everyday stressors can have on mental, emotional, and physical health.

The Mental Reset

One of the most significant benefits of taking a holiday is the mental reset it provides. Our brains are like any other muscle—they need rest to function optimally. Constantly pushing ourselves without breaks can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and mental fatigue. A holiday allows the brain to relax, process information differently, and ultimately return to daily tasks with renewed clarity and creativity.

Emotional Well-Being

Emotional well-being is deeply connected to our environment and daily routines. Stepping away from the familiar can help us gain new perspectives on our lives and relationships. It provides an opportunity to reflect, reconnect with loved ones, and rediscover passions and hobbies. This time away from the usual stressors can lead to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Physical Health

Stress is a major contributor to numerous physical health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and weakened immune function. Taking a holiday can significantly reduce stress levels, which in turn benefits physical health. Engaging in activities we enjoy, whether it's hiking, swimming, or simply lounging on a beach, encourages physical activity and promotes better sleep patterns.

Enhancing Relationships

Relationships often suffer when we're stressed and overworked. Taking a holiday with family or friends provides quality time to bond and create lasting memories. It strengthens connections, enhances communication, and fosters a sense of togetherness that is often difficult to achieve in our busy daily lives.

Boosting Creativity and Productivity

A break from routine can do wonders for creativity and productivity. When we step out of our regular environment, we expose ourselves to new experiences, cultures, and ideas. This stimulation can spark creativity and innovation, allowing us to return to work with fresh ideas and a renewed sense of purpose. Studies have shown that employees who take regular holidays are more productive and satisfied with their jobs than those who do not.

A Solution-Focused Approach

As a solution-focused therapist, I encourage clients to prioritise their well-being by incorporating regular breaks and holidays into their lives. This approach focuses on building solutions and positive outcomes rather than dwelling on problems. Taking a holiday is a proactive step towards self-care and well-being. It empowers individuals to take control of their health and happiness, ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Practical Tips for Making the Most of Your Holiday

  1. Plan Ahead: Schedule your holidays in advance to ensure you can take the time off without work-related stress.

  2. Unplug: Disconnect from work emails and social media to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

  3. Engage in Enjoyable Activities: Choose activities that you love and that relax you, whether it’s reading a book, exploring nature, or trying new foods.

  4. Practice Mindfulness: Be present in the moment and savor the experiences you are having.

  5. Reflect: Use the time away to reflect on your goals, aspirations, and what truly makes you happy.

In conclusion, taking a holiday is not just a break from work; it's an investment in your well-being. By allowing yourself the time to rest, recharge, and reconnect, you can improve your mental, emotional, and physical health, strengthen relationships, and boost your overall happiness and productivity. So go ahead, plan that holiday—you deserve it!

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Jo Hampson-Gilbert Jo Hampson-Gilbert

Embrace the New Year with Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy: A Journey to Positive Change

As we stand on the threshold of a brand-new year, the air is charged with the promise of fresh beginnings and untapped potential. It's the perfect time to reflect on the path we've traveled and set intentions for the road ahead. If you're seeking a powerful catalyst for positive change, consider the transformative possibilities that Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy holds.
Imagine a tool that not only taps into the depths of your subconscious mind but also empowers you to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. That's the essence of Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy – a holistic approach that aligns perfectly with the spirit of the New Year.
The beauty of this therapy lies in its emphasis on the here and now, steering away from the complexities of the past and channeling energy toward creating a brighter future. By leveraging the natural state of trance, Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy enables you to access the subconscious mind, where the seeds of positive change can be planted and nurtured.
Here are a few reasons why embracing Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy in the New Year can be a game-changer:
  1. Cultivating Positivity: Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy encourages a shift in focus from problems to solutions. By envisioning the positive outcomes you desire, you can rewire your thought patterns and cultivate a more optimistic mindset. As you embark on this journey, visualize your goals and watch them blossom into reality.
  2. Empowering Self-Discovery: The New Year is an opportune time for self-reflection and growth. Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy provides a safe space for self-discovery, helping you uncover your inner strengths and resources. Armed with this newfound awareness, you can navigate challenges with resilience and grace.
  3. Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs: Often, it's our own limiting beliefs that stand in the way of progress. Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy empowers you to identify and overcome these barriers, allowing you to step into the New Year unburdened by the weight of self-imposed limitations. Break free from the shackles of doubt and step boldly into the realm of possibilities.
  4. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: The beginning of the year can be overwhelming, with resolutions and goals looming large. Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy incorporates relaxation techniques that not only reduce stress but also create an optimal mental environment for positive change. As you enter a state of deep relaxation, your mind becomes more receptive to constructive suggestions, paving the way for transformation.
In the canvas of the New Year, Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy serves as the brush that allows you to paint a vibrant picture of the life you desire. Embrace this powerful modality, and let the coming months be a testament to your resilience, growth, and unwavering commitment to a brighter future. As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and positive change, remember that the canvas is yours, and the masterpiece is yet to be revealed. Happy New Year – may it be a year of transformation, empowerment, and boundless possibilities!
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Jo Hampson-Gilbert Jo Hampson-Gilbert

How to break the winter blues?

With the change of the clocks, and the nights drawing in earlier, many people talk about the shorter days and affects of the winter.

We know as humans that we require vitamin D for our bone health, and disease prevention and so it is still so beneficial for us to get the time outdoors, even during the colder months.

Someone recently described the winter months as the best time to prepare for Spring and reframing this time of the year in this way was very appealing and a much more positive approach. Also, there’s something to be said for that cosy, hunkering down in the evenings with a good book, a TV series, or listening to some music. It is still important to get some fresh air, a quick walk or spend some time in nature when you can. Not only does it make the effects of the warmth indoors more appealing but it is so beneficial to our mental health.

Here are my top tips for this time of year for supporting a healthy mind and body…

1. Spend time outside during the day to get natural light, even if it's cold.
2. Stay active by exercising or taking the stairs, which releases feel-good chemicals in your brain and helps with stress.
3. Plan a weekend trip to give yourself something to look forward to and break up the winter routine.
4. Sit near a window at work for natural light, or consider using a light therapy box.
5. Surround yourself with supportive people to boost your mood.
6. See winter as a chance to try new activities that are only available during this season.

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Jo Hampson-Gilbert Jo Hampson-Gilbert

New website…

I am so happy to launch my website for Jo H-Gilbert Hypnotherapy. Blog posts to follow soon!

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