How to break the winter blues?

With the change of the clocks, and the nights drawing in earlier, many people talk about the shorter days and affects of the winter.

We know as humans that we require vitamin D for our bone health, and disease prevention and so it is still so beneficial for us to get the time outdoors, even during the colder months.

Someone recently described the winter months as the best time to prepare for Spring and reframing this time of the year in this way was very appealing and a much more positive approach. Also, there’s something to be said for that cosy, hunkering down in the evenings with a good book, a TV series, or listening to some music. It is still important to get some fresh air, a quick walk or spend some time in nature when you can. Not only does it make the effects of the warmth indoors more appealing but it is so beneficial to our mental health.

Here are my top tips for this time of year for supporting a healthy mind and body…

1. Spend time outside during the day to get natural light, even if it's cold.
2. Stay active by exercising or taking the stairs, which releases feel-good chemicals in your brain and helps with stress.
3. Plan a weekend trip to give yourself something to look forward to and break up the winter routine.
4. Sit near a window at work for natural light, or consider using a light therapy box.
5. Surround yourself with supportive people to boost your mood.
6. See winter as a chance to try new activities that are only available during this season.


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